Best Natural Foods For Prostate Problems

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There are certain countries where prostate cancer and prostatitis is particularly high, while elsewhere indices prostate disease is much lower. Well-documented studies have shown that diet plays an important role in preventing and controlling diseases of the prostate. For example, cases of prostate cancer were significantly lower in Eastern cultures such as Japan or China where the type of food is based on the use of certain vegetables appear to be critical in preventing these diseases. Other cultures, like America, whose food is based on the excessive consumption of animal fat, where such diseases are much more common.

Food is suitable for prostate disease

The main foods that are useful to prevent or improve prostate disease include the following:

- Foods rich in vitamin E: Vitamin E, among other properties, except for anti-inflammatory properties, well suited to prevent inflammation of the prostate, may have anticancer properties by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells especially breast cancer, colon and prostate. Eating foods rich in these vitamins is an effective protection against cancer. Foods particularly rich in vitamin E include:

- Green leafy vegetables. They are one of group of foods rich in these vitamins

-< B> Nuts:. such as vegetables, nuts are rich in vitamin E and can be very useful in the diet prostate

-. Wheat germ

- Soy and other legumes: The reason why the cultures of Japan and China have a lower percentage of these diseases lies in the high consumption of legumes. Soy is a powerful anti-cancer. Studies in Japan, where people tend to eat lots of soup, usually soybean, showed that daily intake of a bowl of soup is reduced to 1 / 3 chance of developing stomach cancer. It was also found that eating soy products or stops the growth of cancer cells, notably breast, prostate, cervix and colon.

The reason for this characteristic is due to the existence of a component called isoflavones and lignans, which have the power to reduce the male hormones that are directly responsible for benign prostatic hyperplasia, or noncancerous prostate growth and inhibit cancer cell growth in this organ.

It is therefore highly desirable to include soy as a staple food. Remember that in addition to vegetables, we have a whole arsenal of products derived from soybeans, which have the same properties, will enable us to prepare a variety of culinary dishes while eating the same vegetable. Among these mentions. Tofu or soy cheese, soy milk or soy meat

In the group of legumes, soybeans are the most recommended, but it should be noted that the consumption of other legumes such as peas or beans, used to manage or improve these conditions, as most members of this group of foods sadrživećoj or less similar components.

- alfalfa and clover sprouts: has been found that another very important legumes in the control of prostate disease is alfalfa. If this plant is traditionally used for animal feed, is now believed that its consumption, in particular sprouted seeds can be very interesting in preventing prostate cancer. Its properties are due to the presence of two isoflavones, called genistein and daidzein, which prevent the formation of malignant tumors in this organ.

- pumpkin : pumpkin, its content of carotenoids, is one of the recommended namirnica.Svojstva carotenoids are very broad. Among all of them deserve special attention for their ability to inhibit cancer development. It showed the importance of eating green leafy foods such as leeks and pumpkins in preventing prostate cancer in its ability to prevent the enlargement of the prostate condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia, a condition that can occur in men usually after 50 years and, while not as serious like cancer, is a very serious discomfort during urination or intercourse.

- Cabbage: cabbage and cabbage family, Brussels, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beets and rich in vitamin C, cysteine​​, and sulforrafano glucosinolates, more food that protect us from cancer (mainly lung cancer, gastric, ovarian, prostate and colon) would be appropriate to eat any of these vegetables a dnevno.Antioksidativna properties of this family are very interesting for the prevention of many physical illnesses, which resulted in a particularly well-suited to health protection of the arteries and heart. Among the powerful antioxidant, this herb is alpha lipoic acid, a component that for some time considered more vitamin B group, whose antioxidant properties have been highly praised in recent years.


- Tomato: For the content of lycopene and glutathione, two potent anti-cancer, eat lots of salad tomatoes

- Oily fish: Members of oily fish (mackerel, sardines, tuna, salmon, etc.) should get into a routine, especially in people with prostate problems, so eat at least three times a week. These foods are rich in omega-3.Uključivanje foods or supplements rich in these components prevents formation of some types of cancer, especially colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. They can also shrink tumors by preventing the growth of cancer cells or stop them, the metastases, the return elsewhere in the body.

< B> - Foods rich in zinc: Zinc inhibits the production of dihydrotestosterone, whose elevated levels are associated with increased prostate noncancerous increase of zinc in prostate cells appears to be effective in the prevention and treatment. Are rich in zinc celery, asparagus, borage, figs, potatoes, peanuts, eggplant, cashews, sunflower, onion, beans, lentils, peaches, almonds, radishes, pears, papaya, whole grains, and the like. People who do not want to make a vegetarian only system can opt for the consumption of seafood (especially oysters), liver and eggs are animal foods rich in zinc.

- the water is in abundance: for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia intake is advised at least a liter of water a day. At the first large intake of water can worsen symptoms, but when the bladder is adjusted, the sick can increase urination and not feel so bad when wet.

food is harmful for the prostate disease

The following foods are not appropriate in the diet of people with these diseases

Foods rich in saturated fats: It seems to prove a direct link between fatty foods of animal origin and enlarged prostate. Also, these foods may be responsible for inflammation of benign prostatic be alert and are advised to eat less of these foods prostate patients.

Alcohol. It is believed that alcohol consumption may increase the likelihood of prostate cancer

Stimulants: the use of artificial or natural stimulants such as coffee, chocolate or cocoa, and cola, is not suitable for patients Prostate Instead, increased urination, we recommend the use of medicinal plants most suits.

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